Final Paychecks

When does the final paycheck need to be paid? What can I withhold from the final paycheck?  Can I hold the check until I receive company items back from the employee?  Can… Continue On +

The Power of Small Innovations

Small innovations are sometimes the most important.  Just ask Jeffrey Karp, a researcher and professor at the Harvard Medical School. Karp and his team are working on an innovative means to make… Continue On +

Where’s My Refund?

There used to be a fast-food commercial where an old lady, with a crusty voice, yells “where’s the beef?!”  This year I have been reminded of that commercial many times because it… Continue On +

How Worried Should You Be About Getting Audited?

At first the above seems like a fairly ill-defined question to ask.  It’s a bit like asking “should I be concerned that one day a tree is going to fall on my… Continue On +

Curbing Cancellations

One of the most frustrating things for a dental front office team is to build a productive schedule only to see it fall apart from cancellation after cancellation.  At times this may… Continue On +

Inspiration Not to Give Up

The movie, Rocky, was certainly an inspirational film, but how it came into existence is just as amazing. Sylvester Stallone was struggling to find acting work while he worked odd jobs which… Continue On +

The Working Interview

Benjamin Franklin once said: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  This is no truer than when dealing with a working interview.  It is extremely common that after a… Continue On +

When to Send Billing Statements

When is the appropriate time to send billing statements to your dental patients?  Sending billing statements too soon may cause confusion—when dental claims are still outstanding—while while taking too long to send… Continue On +

Make Integrity Contagious

Why is it that people act differently in a group than they would individually?  Why would organizations put such little value in customer service, honesty, or the public good while doing everything… Continue On +

New Oregon Law for Veterans

On April 4, 2013, Governor Kitzhaber signed a new law requiring Oregon employers to provide employees who are veterans with time off on Veterans Day. Under the law, an eligible employee who… Continue On +

The Benefit of Interactions

Researchers Geoffrey West and Luis Bettencourt have discovered interesting characteristics about cities in the United States, namely that cities with denser populations spur greater productivity from each resident.  The denser the population,… Continue On +

More Than Just Coins in a Jar

How many years of your life have felt like “just another year?”  I contemplated this at a recent meeting of Toastmasters—a public speaking organization—where we were challenged to pick a coin from… Continue On +