Growth Starts with Patient Comfort

Dentists understandably wonder how to grow their practice. Should they focus on direct mail or a better website or a new banner out front? How about starting with patient comfort. Ivan Misner,… Continue On +

Oregon Sick Leave Law

The final BOLI rules for Oregon’s new Sick Leave Law have been published. Starting January 1, 2016 the law requires employers in Oregon to allow employees to accrue up to 40 hours… Continue On +

Adding Your Personalized Touch to Dental Patient Follow Up

If you want to make a great impression on your dental patients, do not underestimate the importance of personalized follow up. Taking that extra step will make you stand out in the… Continue On +

With Conflict Start with the Problem

When you experience conflict in your dental practice, it’s normal to focus on how to resolve the situation; however in your quest to restore balance to the team, you sometimes miss out… Continue On +

Oregon’s “Ban the Box” Law

Oregon has joined the list of states to pass a “Ban the Box” law. “Ban the Box” is a law that prohibits employers from asking a job applicant to answer a question… Continue On +

Dismissing Dental Patients

Let’s say you have a dental patient who you no longer want to see, whether it’s due to behavioral issues, non-compliance with treatment, or another challenge. What do you do next? It’s… Continue On +

The Value of Appreciation

If you want to get more from your dental team, consider giving something in return that goes beyond pay and benefits. Consider how you can do a better job of expressing your… Continue On +

Modifying Your Strategies to Manage Conflict

Think for a moment about a recent conflict. What was in dispute? Maybe the conflict was about the way you do something in your practice or how the team manages time. In… Continue On +

What You Can Learn from the Mistakes of the Prior Dentist

Imagine for a moment that you are searching for a new yard maintenance company to take care of your outdoor work. Are you looking for the company that can make the straightest… Continue On +

myRA Retirement Accounts Are Now Available Nationwide

This is a U.S. Treasury Department program aimed at low to middle income individuals as a starter account to encourage those that do not have access to employer-sponsored plans to become savers.… Continue On +

Dental Practice Growth Often Hinges on Hygiene

If you consistently attract strong numbers of new patients yet your hygiene schedule is not as busy as you would like, it’s time to look closely at the potential reasons. Dental practice… Continue On +

Medical Coding on Dental Claims

As of October 1, 2015, medical diagnostic codes are now needed on certain dental claims. Why? The decision dates back to 2009 when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services pushed for… Continue On +