Incentivize your Team: Bonus (Part I of II)
In today’s environment we are seeing more doctors looking at some sort of incentive based compensation system for their dental practice team members. We are often asked what the incentive based compensation… Continue On +
Turn Dental Emergencies into Opportunities
Emergency appointments are not typically viewed as practice building opportunities by most dentists and teams. Instead, emergencies often cause the practice to run behind and pull attention away from scheduled patients. But… Continue On +
Increase Treatment Acceptance with Plain English
Confused dental patients rarely schedule; unfortunately patients rarely tell you when they are confused. Therefore, if you want to increase treatment acceptance in your practice, make sure patients clearly understand what you… Continue On +
To Lease Or Not To Lease
To lease or not to lease…that is the question (when shopping for a new practice automobile). We are just about into summer which means that car dealers will be on the hunt… Continue On +
Your Dental Team Is Motivated By More Than Compensation
If compensation was all that mattered to your dental team, then highly compensated teams would have few if any challenges. However, that is not the case. Whether your dental practice is big… Continue On +
Dental Accountant’s Due Diligence (Part III of III)
We have established in part I and II that you are well suited to own your own dental practice and we have established what your advisor will need and what they will… Continue On +
Unclaimed Property
Spring has sprung, and summer is just around the corner: time to clean off the grill, set out the patio furniture and start thinking about filing unclaimed property returns in the fall.… Continue On +
Know Your “Number” Before Buying a Dental Practice
If you are searching for a dental practice to purchase, how do you know when you’ve found a good fit? It is common to initially answer that question by considering the location… Continue On +
Dental Accountant’s Due Diligence (Part II of III)
After part I, you have now established that you definitely want to and are suited to own your own dental practice. You have looked at what is available and you have found… Continue On +
Proactively Coach the Small Stuff
One of the most challenging situations for a dentist is how to respond when the team starts overlooking the small stuff. When the health history is not reviewed chair-side or charges for… Continue On +
Choice of Entity – Entity Foundation and Basics (Part II of III)
After part I of this topic, we now have a foundation regarding entities. In this section we will talk about the pros and cons and current trends. Generally speaking, one of the… Continue On +
Use Words That Build Value
Why is it such a struggle at times to get dental patients to accept treatment recommendations? Sometimes patients will not even schedule for something as straightforward as their cleaning. While you cannot… Continue On +