Freedom to Fail for Dental Teams
When you consider what goes into the development of your dental team, you may think of classes they attend, newsletters they read, and staff meetings they go to each month. Each of… Continue On +
Getting the Most Out of Feedback
Management guru Ken Blanchard once said, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” But what if the feedback is tough to swallow? Inc. magazine has an excellent article about how to handle tough… Continue On +
Speaking the Patient’s Language
Imagine if an exterminator informed you, after inspecting your house, that you had isopterans. What would you ask next? Let’s assume the exterminator noticed a puzzled look on your face, so he… Continue On +
The Sweet Sound of Our Own Name
Dale Carnegie once said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” As you consider how to make stronger connections with those creatures… Continue On +
Show and Tell
Since we were kids, we have learned through show and tell, which engages our senses and motivates us to listen to what comes next. Unfortunately, the power of show and tell is… Continue On +
Know Yourself and Others to Make Better Decisions
Our decision making ability is greatly enhanced when we can discern what is happening around us as well as how we feel about the situation. In practice, this is often more difficult… Continue On +
Patient Push-Back Does Not Signal Retreat
The French Mathematician Renee Descartes once said, “The first precept was never to accept a thing as true until I knew it as such without a single doubt.” If Descartes was alive… Continue On +
Tires and Teeth
A dental practice can sometimes be viewed just like an automotive tire store. Not in the sense that they both sell similar products, or even have similar processes. What they have in… Continue On +
Staying on Time
How often are you on-time with your dental patients? Whenever I ask this question to dentists and teams, I typically get three distinct answers. Dentists are usually consumed with the present moment… Continue On +
Put Patients Back in the Patient Experience
What is sometimes lost in the new patient experience is, oddly enough, the new patient. The same issues can plague recall visits as well, making some patients resistant to returning to your… Continue On +
Is Your Dental Marketing Working?
Winston Churchill once said, “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” This certainly holds true for dental practice marketing. If you are trying to encourage more patients to… Continue On +
Dental Patient Retention Starts With the Connection You Make
Dentists and teams know that if you enter the operatory properly prepared, patient visits typically go smoothly. And patients are more likely to remain loyal to your practice when they consistently have… Continue On +