It’s Not Just a Cleaning
Many times when dental patients call to cancel a hygiene visit, they will say, “But it’s just a cleaning.” While you may get frustrated at patients for devaluing important preventive care, keep… Continue On +
Strategies for Paying Off Your Dental Student Loan Debt – The Art of Dental Finance
One of the many benefits of belonging to the Academy of Dental CPAs (ADCPA) is that the Fluence team gains insights from dental CPA firms from across the country. Just as dentists… Continue On +
Effective Leadership Styles
Dentists who are effective leaders develop leadership styles that guide the team and practice to achieve desired goals. Since there is not one leadership style that is perfect for all situations, strong… Continue On +
Tax Issues Related to Divorce
Divorce is a traumatic event in anyone’s life, and the tax aspects are frequently overlooked, which can add to the distress. The following is an overview of many of the commonly encountered… Continue On +
Gift Tax Treatment of Tuition Plans
Qualified tuition plans (QTPs) provide a means for family members and others to save for the future educational needs of children. Investment earnings within a QTP account are tax deferred and not… Continue On +
Electric Vehicle Credit on the Decline
Back in 2009 Congress created a tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles as a stimulus for car companies to manufacture “green” vehicles and as an incentive for consumers to purchase… Continue On +
Show Patients You Care with Effective Handoffs
Have you ever had to repeat health-related concerns to multiple members of a healthcare team? Having to repeat yourself can prove extremely frustrating, especially if you or someone you love is in… Continue On +
When Team Members Are Not Getting Along
What do you do when members of your dental team are not getting along? Do you run the other direction in hopes that everything will work itself out? Typically, conflict does not… Continue On +
Where Does the Time Go?
Are you effective at managing your time? Many of us may not be as effective as we think, as discussed in the excellent book Deep Work by Cal Newport. For example, in… Continue On +
How Well Can You Read Your Patients?
It is rare that dental-related issues slip by an experienced dentist and team. Tens of thousands of hours of experience and training ensure that even the faintest of concerns on an x-ray… Continue On +
End the Exam Tug-of-War
A dentist is typically pulled multiple directions during the day, and this is especially true when it is time to do exams. Typically, the dentist is right in the middle of treatment… Continue On +
Increased Business-Vehicle Deductions Due to Tax Reform
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2018 and other tax reforms have brought about significant changes in the way that vehicle use is deducted for business purposes. Before getting into these… Continue On +