Working Recall is the Foundation of a Strong Dental Practice
Why is working hygiene recall so important when you are busy? It may feel more appropriate to put your attention to day-to-day tasks, especially if you are working hard to keep up. … Continue On +
Update on Medicare Part D Enrollment for Dentists
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has once again delayed the implementation of ruling CMS-1459-F that calls for all providers (including dentists) who write prescriptions for Medicare beneficiaries to be… Continue On +
Increase Treatment Acceptance with Plain English
Confused dental patients rarely schedule; unfortunately patients rarely tell you when they are confused. Therefore, if you want to increase treatment acceptance in your practice, make sure patients clearly understand what you… Continue On +
Reducing Staff Costs
Not only is it challenging to recruit and retain a great dental team, but it is also challenging to keep staff costs under control. Your greatest asset, your team, is also your… Continue On +
Coordination of Dental Benefits
One of the most difficult things to maneuver is coordinating benefits between two insurance companies. The most common questions involve what you can bill the insurance companies and the patients. Here are… Continue On +
Guide More Patients to Schedule for Treatment
The following scenario occurs far too often in dental practices. You diagnose treatment and spend an appropriate amount of time explaining your recommendations, and you leave the operatory certain the patient will… Continue On +
Make Room in Your Schedule for Growth
Many dental practices would like to experience growth, yet not every practice has room in their schedule to accommodate growth. In addition to having a plan of action for practice growth, you… Continue On +
Carefully Review Insurance Claims
Sometimes after dental insurance pays a claim, you are left with a balance on the patient’s account—whether it’s a balance due or balance owing. Before you send a bill or issue a… Continue On +
Know Your “Number” Before Buying a Dental Practice
If you are searching for a dental practice to purchase, how do you know when you’ve found a good fit? It is common to initially answer that question by considering the location… Continue On +
Dental Practice Growth Often Hinges on Hygiene
If you consistently attract strong numbers of new patients yet your hygiene schedule is not as busy as you would like, it’s time to look closely at the potential reasons. Dental practice… Continue On +
Medical Coding on Dental Claims
As of October 1, 2015, medical diagnostic codes are now needed on certain dental claims. Why? The decision dates back to 2009 when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services pushed for… Continue On +
Profitable Hygiene Teams
How do you make your hygiene team more productive and profitable? Focus on the best care for your dental patients. For example, underperforming hygiene teams often miss opportunities to provide full or… Continue On +