The Art of Dental Finance Podcast
One of the many benefits of belonging to the Academy of Dental CPAs (ADCPA) is that the Fluence team gains insights from dental CPA firms from across the country. Just as dentists… Continue On +

IRS Giving a Break to Some Taxpayers Who Under-Prepaid Their 2018 Taxes
Taxpayers are required to pre-pay their taxes for any tax year through payroll withholding, estimated tax payments or a combination of the two. Employees and retirees generally accomplish this through withholding, and… Continue On +

Practice Action Plan
Just like you, we love it when a plan comes together, but not everyone knows how, or where to begin, when creating that plan. Or perhaps a plan was created, but now… Continue On +

Big Changes to the Kiddie Tax
Years ago, to prevent parents from transferring their investment accounts into their children’s name to avoid taxes, Congress created what is referred to as the kiddie tax. This counteracted the strategy of… Continue On +

Why Do Online Reviews Matter?
If you want to buy a new product that you know nothing about, where would you start? Many people would start by reading reviews about the product to learn the ins and… Continue On +

When Is It Time to Sell Your Dental Practice
When is it time to say when and sell your dental practice? Dentists typically reach this point when they are ready to close the chapter on their dental careers and transition to… Continue On +

myRA Retirement Accounts Are Now Available Nationwide
This is a U.S. Treasury Department program aimed at low to middle income individuals as a starter account to encourage those that do not have access to employer-sponsored plans to become savers.… Continue On +