Cyber Security – Protect Your Practice against Phishing

While you may be aware that cybercriminals want to break through the defenses of your computer, you may not realize the most popular form of attack involves phishing, or the sending of… Continue On +

Openings in the Schedule Can Create Opportunities

How do you and your team utilize time when there are openings in the schedule? While openings throw off the rhythm of a team used to seeing patients, if you plan appropriately,… Continue On +

Getting Google Reviews with Review Wizards

If you are not generating as many positive Google reviews as possible, you are at a competitive disadvantage since potential new patients rely on reviews to judge your practice. When new patients… Continue On +

Effective Transitions Make for a Great Dental Patient Visit

Just as transitions are critical for the continuity of presentations we hear or articles we read, transitions are also important for the patient experience.  Effective dental teams know how to seamlessly transition… Continue On +

Are You Accidentally Turning New Dental Patients Away?

How many new dental patients do you turn away each month? Almost every dental team would say that new patients are never turned away, especially given how hard most practices work at… Continue On +

Expense Series Part 4

Do you often send out hundreds of mailers and ask yourself “Am I paying too much to advertise, and is this even working?” If so, you are not alone. Advertising and promotional… Continue On +

Make Your Vision Your Action

Malcolm Gladwell once said, “The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the world.” If you were going to start with a clean sheet of paper, how would you… Continue On +

It’s Not Just a Cleaning

Many times when dental patients call to cancel a hygiene visit, they will say, “But it’s just a cleaning.” While you may get frustrated at patients for devaluing important preventive care, keep… Continue On +

Going Above and Beyond for Emergency Patients

One of the most challenging calls for a dental team is from a patient in discomfort. If your schedule is busy, you may be stretched to find an opening for the patient.… Continue On +

Make Room in Your Schedule for Growth

Many dental practices would like to experience growth, yet not every practice has room in their schedule to accommodate growth. In addition to having a plan of action for practice growth, you… Continue On +

Asking Dental Patients for Referrals

The most challenging aspects of internal marketing are knowing when and how to ask patients for referrals. Dental teams commonly worry they will come across as too pushy if they ask patients… Continue On +

Reducing Cancellations in Your Dental Practice

Dental teams work hard to create schedules that are both productive and efficient. One of the biggest points of frustration in dental practices is to see a productive and efficient schedule fall… Continue On +