Rest and Lunch Breaks for Your Dental Team

When your dental practice is busy and you are rushing from chair to chair, you are not typically paying attention to whether your team is taking their rest and lunch breaks.  Therefore,… Continue On +

Accountability in Dental Practices

If you want your team to demonstrate accountability, how do you promote this in your dental practice?  And what do you do that might undermine your efforts? For example, if an assistant… Continue On +

Sharing Performance Information with Your Dental Team

Do you consistently share practice performance statistics and goals with your dental team?  If the practice is doing poorly, you may hesitate to share numbers for fear the team will abandon ship;… Continue On +

Effective Interview Questions

It’s tough enough to lose someone on your dental team, but then you have the challenging task of interviewing candidates to find the right fit.  How do you know if the person… Continue On +

Combatting Turnover of All-Star Employees in a High Turnover Industry

Unfortunately, dental offices can experience high levels of turnover, with the average employee lasting less than 2 years at a given practice.  Each time an office experiences turnover of its all-star employees… Continue On +

Incentivize your Team: Bonus (Part I of II)

In today’s environment we are seeing more doctors looking at some sort of incentive based compensation system for their dental practice team members. We are often asked what the incentive based compensation… Continue On +

Your Dental Team Is Motivated By More Than Compensation

If compensation was all that mattered to your dental team, then highly compensated teams would have few if any challenges.  However, that is not the case.  Whether your dental practice is big… Continue On +

What You Can Learn from the Mistakes of the Prior Dentist

Imagine for a moment that you are searching for a new yard maintenance company to take care of your outdoor work.  Are you looking for the company that can make the straightest… Continue On +

Standing Behind Your Financial Estimates for Patients

Why is it that some patient care coordinators can step dental patients through complex financial estimates while others struggle to outline the costs of a single filling?  Sometimes it’s because the struggling… Continue On +

Do Not Settle for Ineffective Staff Meetings

How effectively do you and your dental team utilize staff meetings?  If your practice is like many, staff meetings sort of “happen” without much thought, leaving you and your team agreeing with… Continue On +

Body Language and the Dental Patient Experience

How do you make the patient experience even better in your dental practice?  Make the extra effort to read each patient’s body language. For example, it’s one thing to have blankets, pillows,… Continue On +

What Makes You Thankful

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, it’s a good time to ponder what we are thankful about this year.  We certainly spend enough time thinking about what gets on our nerves… Continue On +