Being on Time for Work Matters
Dr. Seuss once asked, “How did it get so late so soon?” This is a question dental team members may ask as they roll into work too late to attend your huddle… Continue On +
When Team Members Are Not Getting Along
What do you do when members of your dental team are not getting along? Do you run the other direction in hopes that everything will work itself out? Typically, conflict does not… Continue On +
Adding Your Personalized Touch to Dental Patient Follow Up
If you want to make a great impression on your dental patients, do not underestimate the importance of personalized follow up. Taking that extra step will make you stand out in the… Continue On +
Plans for the New Year
The start of a new year brings an opportunity to make your dental practice and team even stronger. As you consider what you would like to accomplish this year, remember you need… Continue On +
What to Tell Your Team after a Termination
Let’s assume you complete the unfortunate task of terminating one of your dental team members. As much as you may want to forget the whole thing, your work is not yet over.… Continue On +
Your Dental Team Is Motivated By More Than Compensation
If compensation was all that mattered to your dental team, then highly compensated teams would have few if any challenges. However, that is not the case. Whether your dental practice is big… Continue On +
Proactively Coach the Small Stuff
One of the most challenging situations for a dentist is how to respond when the team starts overlooking the small stuff. When the health history is not reviewed chair-side or charges for… Continue On +
Consider the Opposite Perspective When Making Decisions
One of the wisest management moves you can make in your dental practice is to consider the opposite perspective when making decisions, especially when you feel absolutely sure about your ideas. This… Continue On +
How to Frame Change
Rick Goodwin once said the following about change: “One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain.” How… Continue On +
Modifying Your Strategies to Manage Conflict
Think for a moment about a recent conflict. What was in dispute? Maybe the conflict was about the way you do something in your practice or how the team manages time. In… Continue On +
Can You Ever Be Objective?
How objective are you when it comes to making decisions? While we may think we are objective, we typically are anything but that. Consider what the American publisher and editor Henry R.… Continue On +
Profitable Hygiene Teams
How do you make your hygiene team more productive and profitable? Focus on the best care for your dental patients. For example, underperforming hygiene teams often miss opportunities to provide full or… Continue On +