The Care-Focused Approach to Driving Hygiene Profitability

Congratulations to Mike Smith, CPA, ABV MS, for getting his blog published in the DMD Today! How do you make your hygiene team more productive and profitable?  The answer more than likely… Continue On +

Preparing for Leaves of Absence from Your Dental Practice

What do you need to have lined up before you take a leave of absence from your dental practice? The most important person to line up is a dentist to cover for… Continue On +

Watch Out For QuickBooks Email Scams

This is the time of year that we are all paying special attention to any correspondence that may impact our end of year information or our taxes and there is so much… Continue On +

Weeding Out “Difficult” Dental Patients

Do you have to be everyone’s dentist? While you may wish that you connected well with every patient in your chair and that everyone wanted you as their dentist, there are some… Continue On +

When Team Members Are Not Getting Along

What do you do when members of your dental team are not getting along? Do you run the other direction in hopes that everything will work itself out? Typically, conflict does not… Continue On +

Plans for the New Year

The start of a new year brings an opportunity to make your dental practice and team even stronger. As you consider what you would like to accomplish this year, remember you need… Continue On +

New Overtime Rule Blocked

The new overtime rule which would have raised the Fair Labor Standards Act’s salary threshold was set to go into effect Thursday, December 1, 2016. A federal judge in Texas issued an… Continue On +

Finding the Right Associate Dentist

When you are busy enough to add an associate to your dental practice, it’s important to find a dentist who will reflect favorably on your practice. While that sounds straightforward, it’s more… Continue On +

FLSA New Overtime Rule – Effective December 1, 2016

On May 18, 2016 the Department of Labor released the final overtime rule that will take effect on December 1, 2016. These changes will affect all employees currently classified as exempt. Employees… Continue On +

Oregon’s Minimum Wage Law

Oregon’s new minimum wage law went into effect on July 1, 2016. The new law established a series of rate increases beginning on July 1, 2016 through July 1, 2022. For July… Continue On +

Proactively Coach the Small Stuff

One of the most challenging situations for a dentist is how to respond when the team starts overlooking the small stuff. When the health history is not reviewed chair-side or charges for… Continue On +

Interview Questions to Avoid

While it’s important to ask effective interview questions to help find the right fit for your practice, it’s equally critical to avoid venturing into restricted areas of inquiry.  Knowing what not to… Continue On +