W-4: Are employers required to have employees complete a new W-4 each year?

As an employer your responsibility regarding Form W-4 is to remind employees to fill out a new W-4 at the end of each year or before your first payroll of the year. … Continue On +

Securing Your Patients’ Credit Card Information

You are most likely aware that credit cards are moving toward secure payments using chip technology. The secure technology is known as EMV (Euro, MasterCard, Visa), and since EMV will impact your… Continue On +

Practice Action Plan

Just like you, we love it when a plan comes together, but not everyone knows how, or where to begin, when creating that plan.  Or perhaps a plan was created, but now… Continue On +

Washington Paid Family Leave

Washington has passed a Paid Family and Medical Leave law which provides eligible employees paid leave for their own serious health condition (medical leave) or for family care (family leave). Washington’s Paid… Continue On +

Coaching is Like Preventive Dentistry

One of the most challenging situations for a dentist is how to respond when the team makes mistakes.  When the health history is not reviewed chair-side or charges for the day are… Continue On +

Why Should You Have a Strong Harassment Policy?

As the spotlight continues to grow on workplace sexual harassment, it is more important than ever for companies to have a strong harassment policy. In 2016, the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC)… Continue On +

Setting a Timeframe for Dental Treatment

If you are like most people, when you make an important recommendation, you often put a timeframe around it; otherwise your suggestion does not carry as much weight. The same goes in… Continue On +

Resolving Conflict Caused by How We Communicate

Wayne Dyer once said, “Conflict cannot survive without your participation.” While you may not be directly responsible for an unresolved disagreement among team members, you may still have a role by not… Continue On +

Testing Employees for Drugs or Alcohol

An employee shows up to work and appears to be intoxicated. You want to send them for drug testing to see if your assumption is correct and terminate them if it is.… Continue On +

Oregon Equal Pay Act of 2017

The Oregon Equal Pay Act of 2017 was signed by Oregon Governor Kate Brown earlier this year. The law extends pay equity to a variety of protected classes and prohibits employers from… Continue On +

Oregon Sick Leave Law Amendment

Oregon is amending the Sick Leave Law as of January 1, 2018. The goal of the amendments is to provide further clarification. The law requires that employers provide paid or unpaid leave… Continue On +

Washington Paid Sick Leave Law

Washington Initiative 1433 requires employers with one covered employee to provide paid sick leave to most employees beginning on January 1, 2018. All employees covered by the Washington Minimum Wage Law must… Continue On +