Resolve Conflict by Focusing on Needs and Interests

Few of us enjoy conflict.  But instead of hiding from it, consider how you can manage it more effectively. Max Lucade once said, “Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.”  Hopefully we… Continue On +

It’s All in Our Brain Chemistry

Are you a slave to your brain chemistry?  At times we all are as Kent Greenfield illustrates in his book The Myth of Choice. For example, when men do not feel satisfied… Continue On +

Know the Rules before Rewarding Patients for Referrals

How do you acknowledge dental patients when they refer friends and family to your practice?  Hopefully you always send a thank you note to the referring patient—something personalized and not just a… Continue On +

Doctor: The Small Business Owner

Generally speaking, you are a doctor because you enjoy science, medicine, helping people and even the artistic component in sculpting teeth and creating a beautiful smile.  You did not become a doctor… Continue On +

Giving OHP a Second Look

It is common for dentists and their teams to not want to accept patients from the Oregon Health Plan (OHP).  But is that the best course of action, especially since there are… Continue On +

When Values Become Roadblocks

Have you ever considered if the values you instill in your team ever create roadblocks? For example, at the now-defunct and infamous WorldCom, management instilled the value of optimism at all times. … Continue On +

Don’t Hide Your Value

Someone once said, “It’s not enough to give the customer excellent service.  You must subtly make him aware of the great service he is getting.”  How effective are you at making your… Continue On +

The Mental Stretch of Innovation

You never know when a different way of looking at things may turn into a key innovation.  Consider the findings of Virginia Apgar, anesthesiology professor at Columbia Medical School. In 1952, Virginia… Continue On +

Waiving Dental Deductibles and Co-payments

It is common for dentists, who want to help certain patients, to provide dental treatment for just what the insurance pays.  No co-payment or deductible is collected.  It is also common for… Continue On +


What is forgiveness?  Look no further than a bumper sticker to find a fitting definition.  “Forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past.” Imagine how much time we would save… Continue On +

Innovation is the Catalyst for Solving Big Issues

Big problems often call for innovative ideas.  This is especially true when your task is to fight malnutrition.  Howarth Bouis, an economist at the International Food Policy Research Institute, was determined to… Continue On +

Strategic Hiring

When you need to fill a position on your team, do you hire people who share your personality?  The common tendency is for a dentist and/or the team member in charge of… Continue On +