Satisfy Your Dental Patients by Running on Time

How do you impress dental patients to stay with your dental practice and refer more of their friends and family? In an environment with stiffer competition and the potential for more corporate dentistry… Continue On +

Add More New Dental Patients to Your Practice

Even though you may want new dental patients, many of your existing patients just assume you have all of the business you need.  Patients look at all of the charts on the… Continue On +

The Importance of Failure

Imagine if you were labeled “the merchant of death.”  Would you consider yourself a failure?  That’s exactly how Alfred Nobel felt after his invention of dynamite led to such a label. Despite… Continue On +

Motivation is Contagious

Since you are a leader, you often faced with how to motivate your team.  But how do you motivate yourself? The philosopher William James once said, “Act as if what you do… Continue On +

Dental Practice Insurance Audits: Proactive Steps

No one welcomes a dental practice insurance audit.  But the time to prepare for one is now, long before you receive notification from an insurance company.  Remember that an audit of a… Continue On +

Pay for Performance – Is It Right for You?

When would it make sense to consider a pay-for-performance system for your dental team?  Can you depend on this type of compensation system to motivate your team and reduce staff turnover?  The… Continue On +

Parting Ways with a Bad Attitude

Few things block the momentum of a team quite like a bad attitude.  Olympic gold medalist Scott Hamilton went so far as to suggest, “The only disability in life is a bad… Continue On +

Backing Up Eaglesoft

One of the staple tasks of any dental office is backing up the practice management system at the end of every day, right before the staff leaves the office.  However, just because… Continue On +

Don’t Let Perfection Get in Your Way

We receive conflicting signals about perfection.  As Winston Churchill once said, “They say that nobody is perfect.  Then they tell you practice makes perfect.  I wish they’d make up their minds.”  Churchill… Continue On +

Medicare – Should You Become a Provider?

Why would a dental practice become a provider for Medicare?  Traditional Medicare does not cover dental services offered by most practices.  However, opting out of Medicare is a decision that requires careful… Continue On +

The Toll of Procrastination on Dental Staff Management

Napoleon Hill once said, “Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.”  Too many times dentists find themselves… Continue On +

Accountability in Dental Practices

If you want your team to demonstrate accountability, how do you promote this in your dental practice?  And what do you do that might undermine your efforts? For example, if an assistant… Continue On +