Dental Patient Surveys
How valuable are patient surveys? Some dentists may think along the lines of David Letterman, who once said, “USA Today has come out with a new survey – apparently three out of… Continue On +
How to Have Profitable Dental Hygiene Teams
Make your dental hygiene team more profitable How do you make your dental hygiene team more productive and profitable? Focus on the best care for your dental patients. For example, under-performing dental… Continue On +
Dismissing Dental Patients
Let’s say you have a dental patient who you no longer want to see, whether it’s due to behavioral issues, non-compliance with treatment, or another challenge. What do you do next? It’s… Continue On +
Dental Accountant’s Due Diligence (Part I of III)
The first thing most people think about when they hear “due diligence”, as it pertains to the purchase of a dental practice, is a checklist of everything needed to evaluate the price… Continue On +
The Hygiene Team’s Role in Effective Recall Systems
Chasing after past-due dental patients with postcards and phone calls is time consuming, and the effort is a reminder of how important it is to schedule people way before it gets to… Continue On +
Do Not Settle for Ineffective Staff Meetings
How effectively do you and your dental team utilize staff meetings? If your practice is like many, staff meetings sort of “happen” without much thought, leaving you and your team agreeing with… Continue On +
Informing Dental Patients about the Costs of Extra Treatment
The effective management of accounts receivable involves more than staying on top of past-due patients; it also includes troubleshooting situations that occur in the back. Eliminating missteps with the clinical team requires… Continue On +
Independent Contractor or Employee?
As business owners it is important to know the correct employment classification of the individuals assisting you with your business. Are they employees or are they independent contractors? The penalty for misclassifying… Continue On +
Choice of Entity – Entity Foundation and Basics (Part 1 of 3)
Whether you are about to purchase a dental practice or you already own one, one of the first things you must do is decide on an entity type. It is very important… Continue On +
Body Language and the Dental Patient Experience
How do you make the patient experience even better in your dental practice? Make the extra effort to read each patient’s body language. For example, it’s one thing to have blankets, pillows,… Continue On +
Dental Practice Marketing – How Much to Spend
How much is a good amount to spend on dental practice marketing? A lot depends on how busy you want to be, the return on investment you receive from marketing, and your… Continue On +
Dental Office Spore Testing
If you Google “Autoclave spore test requirements” or “Dental Office Spore Testing” you aren’t exactly overwhelmed with definitive resources that clearly lay out the requirements dental offices need to follow in order… Continue On +