Dental Teams and Problem Solving
How can you and your dental team become better problem solvers? Consider three of the tips offered in an article of Inc. magazine. Be wary of any problem that has only one… Continue On +
How to Look Less Attractive to an Embezzler – Part II
If you want to minimize the likelihood of experiencing embezzlement, you need to think for a moment like an embezzler. Embezzlers want control and autonomy, they do not want anyone looking over… Continue On +
Combatting Turnover of All-Star Employees in a High Turnover Industry
Unfortunately, dental offices can experience high levels of turnover, with the average employee lasting less than 2 years at a given practice. Each time an office experiences turnover of its all-star employees… Continue On +
The Profile of Dental Practice Embezzlers – Part I
How can you tell that one of your dental team members is an embezzler? Does the embezzler show up wearing a black hat like an outlaw in an old Western? Will you… Continue On +
Incentivize your Team: Bonus (Part I of II)
In today’s environment we are seeing more doctors looking at some sort of incentive based compensation system for their dental practice team members. We are often asked what the incentive based compensation… Continue On +
Turn Dental Emergencies into Opportunities
Emergency appointments are not typically viewed as practice building opportunities by most dentists and teams. Instead, emergencies often cause the practice to run behind and pull attention away from scheduled patients. But… Continue On +
Dental Patient Communication Made Simple
Over two hundred years ago the English chemist, Joseph Priestly, said, “The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.” I can’t imagine what Priestly would think today. When research… Continue On +
Increase Treatment Acceptance with Plain English
Confused dental patients rarely schedule; unfortunately patients rarely tell you when they are confused. Therefore, if you want to increase treatment acceptance in your practice, make sure patients clearly understand what you… Continue On +
Your Dental Team Is Motivated By More Than Compensation
If compensation was all that mattered to your dental team, then highly compensated teams would have few if any challenges. However, that is not the case. Whether your dental practice is big… Continue On +
Is Your Dental Marketing Working?
Winston Churchill once said, “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” This certainly holds true for dental practice marketing. If you are trying to encourage more patients to… Continue On +
Handling Employee Termination Meetings
For employers, the only thing harder than deciding to terminate an employee is breaking the bad news. Studies show that firing an employee is one of the most difficult tasks a manager… Continue On +
What to Tell Your Team after a Termination
Let’s assume you complete the unfortunate task of terminating one of your dental team members. As much as you may want to forget the whole thing, your work is not yet over. … Continue On +