The Sweet Sound of Our Own Name
Dale Carnegie once said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” As you consider how to make stronger connections with those creatures… Continue On +
The Personality of a Good Team
If you do not like everyone on your dental team, is that a bad thing? It depends on the reasons for your feelings. If you struggle with the personality types on your… Continue On +
Addressing Conflict with Questions
When you encounter conflict, your first instinct may be to counter what the other person is saying. Or, maybe you like to immediately offer suggestions for how to resolve each point. While… Continue On +
Placing Value on Pain Relief
Do you think a dental patient is happy when you relieve that person’s pain or alleviate some type of discomfort? Of course your patient is happy. Why then do so many dentists… Continue On +
Oregon Mandatory Sick Leave Policy
A bill that awaits the Governor’s signature will mandate that Oregon employers provide sick time to all employees. The bill is expected to go into effect on January 1, 2016. What does… Continue On +
Marketing Never Stops In Your Dental Practice
Even though you may not think of it this way, every part of the dental patient experience offers you an opportunity to market your practice. This does not mean you are asking… Continue On +
Standing Behind Your Financial Estimates for Patients
Why is it that some patient care coordinators can step dental patients through complex financial estimates while others struggle to outline the costs of a single filling? Sometimes it’s because the struggling… Continue On +
Are You Accidentally Turning New Dental Patients Away?
How many new dental patients do you turn away each month? Almost every dental team would say that new patients are never turned away, especially given how hard most practices work at… Continue On +
Put Patients Back in the Patient Experience
What is sometimes lost in the new patient experience is, oddly enough, the new patient. The same issues can plague recall visits as well, making some patients resistant to returning to your… Continue On +
Dental Patient Retention Starts With the Connection You Make
Dentists and teams know that if you enter the operatory properly prepared, patient visits typically go smoothly. And patients are more likely to remain loyal to your practice when they consistently have… Continue On +
Insurance Tips for PRR’s
For many years, dentists lacked a procedure code for placing something more than a sealant but less than the composite filling that extended into the dentin. That changed in 2011 with the… Continue On +
Nobody Schedules for Small Decay
Imagine you take your car in for an oil change. Your mechanic, in addition to changing your oil, inspects your engine. When your car is ready, your mechanic explains his findings: “Your… Continue On +