Accruing Time Off Under the Oregon Sick Leave Law

As hopefully all of our Oregon clients know, the Oregon Sick Leave law took effect on January 1, 2016 requiring sick leave for part-time and full-time employees. While the specifics of the… Continue On +

Guide More Patients to Schedule for Treatment

The following scenario occurs far too often in dental practices. You diagnose treatment and spend an appropriate amount of time explaining your recommendations, and you leave the operatory certain the patient will… Continue On +

Make Room in Your Schedule for Growth

Many dental practices would like to experience growth, yet not every practice has room in their schedule to accommodate growth. In addition to having a plan of action for practice growth, you… Continue On +

Carefully Review Insurance Claims

Sometimes after dental insurance pays a claim, you are left with a balance on the patient’s account—whether it’s a balance due or balance owing. Before you send a bill or issue a… Continue On +

What Makes a Dental Practice Valuable?

What drives the value of a dental practice? The answer goes beyond the assets you can see: the new technology, the recent remodel, and the updated software. Your most important asset in… Continue On +

Saying Goodbye to Problematic Dental Patients

Just as some of your patients wait too long to seek treatment for an infection, your dental practice may wait too long at times to dismiss problematic patients. And the delay is… Continue On +

Know Your “Number” Before Buying a Dental Practice

If you are searching for a dental practice to purchase, how do you know when you’ve found a good fit? It is common to initially answer that question by considering the location… Continue On +

Adding More New Dental Patients

Even though you may want new patients, many of your existing dental patients just assume you have all of the business you need. Patients look at all of the charts on the… Continue On +

Adding Your Personalized Touch to Dental Patient Follow Up

If you want to make a great impression on your dental patients, do not underestimate the importance of personalized follow up. Taking that extra step will make you stand out in the… Continue On +

Dismissing Dental Patients

Let’s say you have a dental patient who you no longer want to see, whether it’s due to behavioral issues, non-compliance with treatment, or another challenge. What do you do next? It’s… Continue On +

What You Can Learn from the Mistakes of the Prior Dentist

Imagine for a moment that you are searching for a new yard maintenance company to take care of your outdoor work. Are you looking for the company that can make the straightest… Continue On +

Dental Practice Growth Often Hinges on Hygiene

If you consistently attract strong numbers of new patients yet your hygiene schedule is not as busy as you would like, it’s time to look closely at the potential reasons. Dental practice… Continue On +