Unclaimed property audits have been on the rise recently and we want to remind everyone of the upcoming deadlines and steps that need to be taken for each state’s annual unclaimed property… Continue On +

Payment Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount AntiTrust Litigation Class Action Lawsuit

If you accepted Visa and Mastercard payments between the years of 2014 – 2019 you are eligible to enter this class action lawsuit. The U.S. District Court has approved a proposed settlement… Continue On +

Preparing for the Unexpected: Essential Steps for Small Business Owners

As a dental practice owner, you juggle countless responsibilities every day. But amid all the hustle, it’s crucial not to overlook preparing for unexpected circumstances, such as death or disability. Ensuring your… Continue On +

Unclaimed Patient Refunds

Around this time of year, Fluence sends out a letter about submitting unclaimed patient refunds older than three years to the state’s Unclaimed Property division. Along with a formal letter describing the… Continue On +

How to Minimize Oregon Estate Taxes

Currently the federal estate tax exemption is nearly $13.6 Million dollars, or $27.2 Million for a married couple.  So, unless you have assets exceeding these amounts, your estate won’t pay any federal… Continue On +

Salary Increase for Exempt Employees – Effective May 22, 2024

The US Department of Labor (DOL) has amended the Restoring and Extending Overtime Protections rule. The final amendment increases the salary threshold required under the Fair Labor Standards Act. This is for… Continue On +


We wanted to make sure our clients received the recent ADA warning of a current cybersecurity threat to dental offices released May 6, 2024, as follows: Current Threat Information from the FBI:… Continue On +

From Beach Parties to Tax Parties: A Brief History of Spring Break and Taxes

Spring break is synonymous with fun in the sun, but its history is as diverse as the destinations revelers flock to each year. Surprisingly, the origins of this beloved vacation period have… Continue On +

Is Your Practice Ready for A Medical Emergency?

We recently had an opportunity to join the Oregon Academy of Pediatric Dentistry for a Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office presentation that was put on by Dr. Steven Beadnell.  The course… Continue On +

Read this if you accept cash payments and present large cases in your dental practice

Very few doctors are aware of one of the more drastic federal laws connected to receiving cash payments.  If your practice receives a cash payment of $10,000 or more from a patient,… Continue On +

Paid Leave Oregon

Paid Leave Oregon benefits started September 3, 2023. Paid Leave Oregon is administered by the Oregon Employment Department. Employees apply online at Frances Online Landing Page (oregon.gov). The Oregon Employment Department will… Continue On +

Two Simple Ways To Deter Fraud And Embezzlement That Take Three Minutes To Check

Here are 2 simple ways to reduce the likelihood of fraud and embezzlement in your practice.  In total, these should take 3 minutes out of your day, but can help catch deceitful… Continue On +