Setting a Timeframe for Dental Treatment
If you are like most people, when you make an important recommendation, you often put a timeframe around it; otherwise your suggestion does not carry as much weight. The same goes in… Continue On +
Build Trust with Effective Hand-Offs
One of the most frustrating experiences for patients is repeating key points about health history and treatment needs to multiple members of the clinical team. Patients may wonder if the team is… Continue On +
Can You Endorse Your Associate?
Assuming you are busy enough and have appropriate cash flow to add an associate dentist, how do you know if you are hiring the right associate? The right associate is not just… Continue On +
Openings in the Schedule Can Create Opportunities
How do you and your team utilize time when there are openings in the schedule? While openings throw off the rhythm of a team used to seeing patients, if you plan appropriately,… Continue On +
Three Important Phrases That Increase Treatment Acceptance
One of the most frustrating aspects of dentistry is to go to great lengths to explain treatment needs only to have patients walk out the door without scheduling. Dentists and teams often… Continue On +
Medical Deductions & The New Tax Law
Article Highlights: Medical Deductions Retained by the Tax Reform Law Adjusted Gross Income Floor Dropped to 7.5% The Standard Deduction Bunching Medical Deductions Unusual Medical Deductions Medical Dependents Divorced Parents Note: The… Continue On +
Jumpstart Your Day with a Great Morning Huddle
If constructed the right way, morning huddles can help jumpstart your day by improving teamwork and the overall flow of the day. In addition, patients benefit because the dentist and team are… Continue On +
Getting Google Reviews with Review Wizards
If you are not generating as many positive Google reviews as possible, you are at a competitive disadvantage since potential new patients rely on reviews to judge your practice. When new patients… Continue On +
Effective Transitions Make for a Great Dental Patient Visit
Just as transitions are critical for the continuity of presentations we hear or articles we read, transitions are also important for the patient experience. Effective dental teams know how to seamlessly transition… Continue On +
What to keep in employee personnel files
No one enjoys dealing with paperwork, but the time spent to create and maintain personnel files will pay off over time. A personnel file that is created and maintained over time will… Continue On +
Steps to Take When the Schedule is Slow
How do you respond when you look at the schedule and see huge openings? While it is normal to be concerned, it is important to not become consumed with worry. There is… Continue On +
Tis the Season to Change Passwords
Since this is the season for saying goodbye to the old as we welcome in the new, it may be the perfect time to change your passwords. Having a secure dental practice… Continue On +