Inspiration from Inside of a Garage
How determined are you in the face of setbacks? Microbiologist Eri Gentry grew weary of the red tape surrounding cancer research and treatments, and in 2009 she created a lab in her… Continue On +
Show and Tell
Since we were kids, we have learned through show and tell, which engages our senses and motivates us to listen to what comes next. Unfortunately, the power of show and tell is… Continue On +
What Matters Most to Your Dental Patients
One of the most important aspects of increasing treatment acceptance is to give your dental patients what they want. When I work with dentists and teams on fine-tuning their overall patient experience,… Continue On +
Motivation is Contagious
Since you are a leader, you often faced with how to motivate your team. But how do you motivate yourself? The philosopher William James once said, “Act as if what you do… Continue On +
Building Consensus with Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was not only a great civil rights leader; he also knew a thing or two about leadership. He once said, “A genuine leader is not a searcher for… Continue On +
Placing Value on Pain Relief
Do you think a dental patient is happy when you relieve that person’s pain or alleviate some type of discomfort? Of course your patient is happy. Why then do so many dentists… Continue On +
Making the Most of CAD/CAM Technology
If Santa brought your dental practice a CEREC or an ED4, it’s important to keep several things in mind. Your front office team will most likely have questions about how to bill… Continue On +
Resistance to Change Might Be a Good Thing
Sometimes resistance to change is a good thing. Yes, a good thing. The key is to keep an open mind as you learn what is behind the resistance. I once met with… Continue On +
Don’t Be Mistaken for the Grinch
The Grinch isn’t just a holiday character. When giving team members feedback, some people sound like the Grinch year round. So how do you give effective feedback? First, it’s important to realize… Continue On +
Trigger a Good Habit
Robert Puller once said, “Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits.” A challenge for every leader is how to instill good habits. Peter Gollwitzer, a… Continue On +
Following the Herd
If you are alone in an unfamiliar building and you hear a fire alarm, how will you react? Most of us will move, either to evacuate the building or to find out… Continue On +
Staying on Time
How often are you on-time with your dental patients? Whenever I ask this question to dentists and teams, I typically get three distinct answers. Dentists are usually consumed with the present moment… Continue On +