Improving Hygiene Production
Long term patient relationships are built in the hygiene chair, which is why your hygiene team is so important for dental practice growth. Your hygiene team also contributes significantly to practice production—really… Continue On +
Dental Marketing – The First Question
Wouldn’t it be nice if by simply opening your door wider you attracted more new patients? Unfortunately, people are not gathering outside your door like they do a donut shop, eager for… Continue On +
Finding the Right Associate Dentist
When you are busy enough to add an associate to your dental practice, it’s important to find a dentist who will reflect favorably on your practice. While that sounds straightforward, it’s more… Continue On +
Accountability in Dental Practices
If you want your team to demonstrate accountability, how do you promote this in your dental practice? And what do you do that might undermine your efforts? For example, if an assistant… Continue On +
Sharing Performance Information with Your Dental Team
Do you consistently share practice performance statistics and goals with your dental team? If the practice is doing poorly, you may hesitate to share numbers for fear the team will abandon ship;… Continue On +
How to Handle a Clash of New Patient Expectations
One of the worst-case scenarios for a dentist is to find significant decay on a new patient who expects everything is fine. How do you break the bad news without making the… Continue On +
Connecting with Overwhelmed Dental Patients
How do you connect with overwhelmed dental patients? It’s not easy. And since there is a better than average chance you will not guide overwhelmed patients to schedule for treatment, the most… Continue On +
Communicating With Your Dental Team
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received regarding communication came from a teacher who reminded us effective memos are never written; effective memos are rewritten. Great speeches are never… Continue On +
Controlling Dental Staff Costs
If your dental staff costs are higher than what you would like to see, consider looking closely at four parts of the day. First, when your team clocks in, do they start… Continue On +
Dental Teams and Problem Solving
How can you and your dental team become better problem solvers? Consider three of the tips offered in an article of Inc. magazine. Be wary of any problem that has only one… Continue On +
Dental Patient Communication Made Simple
Over two hundred years ago the English chemist, Joseph Priestly, said, “The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.” I can’t imagine what Priestly would think today. When research… Continue On +
Use Words That Build Value
Why is it such a struggle at times to get dental patients to accept treatment recommendations? Sometimes patients will not even schedule for something as straightforward as their cleaning. While you cannot… Continue On +