Important Questions for Performance Reviews

One of the most common questions dentists have about performance reviews (after covering wage-related questions) involves what to cover during the meeting.  Performance reviews are ideal opportunities to learn more about your… Continue On +

Method of Payment for Dental Accounts Receivable

One of the best ways to manage accounts receivable is to make sure you collect as much as possible at the time of dental service.  This sounds like common sense advice.  What… Continue On +

Working Recall is the Foundation of a Strong Dental Practice

Why is working hygiene recall so important when you are busy?  It may feel more appropriate to put your attention to day-to-day tasks, especially if you are working hard to keep up. … Continue On +

Choose Understandable Language When Talking with Dental Patients

One of the challenges consistently faced by dentists and teams is trying to guide patients to do what’s best for them.  And one of the reasons this is such a challenge is… Continue On +

Increase Treatment Acceptance with Plain English

Confused dental patients rarely schedule; unfortunately patients rarely tell you when they are confused.  Therefore, if you want to increase treatment acceptance in your practice, make sure patients clearly understand what you… Continue On +

How to Frame Change

Rick Goodwin once said the following about change: “One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain.”  How… Continue On +

Billing for “Difficult” Dental Cleanings

One of the most common challenges with past-due dental patients is the expectation that everything can be accomplished with one visit.  Necessary x-rays, the exam, and the cleaning all in one hour… Continue On +

Coaching a Struggling Dental Team Member

How do you effectively coach someone who is making mistakes?  Consider when a dental procedure that is running behind, where everything is going wrong, and a new, struggling assistant misplaces yet another… Continue On +

Dental Patient Surveys

How valuable are patient surveys?  Some dentists may think along the lines of David Letterman, who once said, “USA Today has come out with a new survey – apparently three out of… Continue On +

New Dental Patients – Balancing Convenience and Thoroughness

A common challenge with new dental patients is balancing their need for convenience with your need to do a thorough job.  When an established patient comes in for a regular visit, you… Continue On +

Guide More Patients to Schedule for Treatment

The following scenario occurs far too often in dental practices. You diagnose treatment and spend an appropriate amount of time explaining your recommendations, and you leave the operatory certain the patient will… Continue On +

What Makes a Dental Practice Valuable?

What drives the value of a dental practice? The answer goes beyond the assets you can see: the new technology, the recent remodel, and the updated software. Your most important asset in… Continue On +